What is an Adrenal Incidentaloma?
A non-contrast CT scan displaying a right adrenal incidentaloma (arrow). All incidentally identified adrenal tumors need to be worked up to ensure they do not overproduce hormones or are cancerous.
Are Adrenal Incidentalomas Common?
Adrenal incidentalomas are quite common, and become more common as we age. In autopsy studies of people who died of natural causes, about 6 % of all people have an adrenal mass or adrenal tumor that they were completely unaware of. Therefore small adrenal tumors are common, occuring in about 4-5 percent of us in our lifetime, so you can imagine that lots of people having a CT scan will have an adrenal tumor found that they didn't know about.Are Adrenal Incidentalomas Cancer?
The vast majority of adrenal incidentalomas are benign and not cancer. Additionally, most adrenal tumors found incidentally do not over-produce any adrenal hormones. Many adrenal incidentalomas can be safely watched without surgery -- typically the patient will get CT scans every 6-12 months or so just to make sure the tumor isn't growing. Remember, adrenal tumors that grow quickly are almost always adrenal cancers.The rate of adrenal incidentalomas increases with the patient's age. Incidentally found adrenal masses are found in less than 1% in patients younger than 30 yr of age who get an abdominal CT scan, and up to 7% in patients over age 60 who get an abdominal CT scan.
It should be noted, however, that most studies of risk of adrenal tumors found incidentally are flawed in one way or another. Yes, medicine is not a perfect science. For instance, some research studies that have looked at this may be affected by small sample size; inclusion of a patient population who were referred to tertiary centers (introducing bias into the study), inclusion of patients with a history of cancer or suspicion of malignancy (this will increase the rate of identifying adrenal metastasis), and exclusion of patients with small tumors.
Other Cancers Commonly Spread to the Adrenal Glands
Adrenal metastasis from a stage 4 kidney cancer (Renal Cell Carcinoma) arising in the normal adrenal cortex.
- Lung cancer (Primarily non-small cell lung cancer; NSLC)
- Kidney cancer (Renal cell carcinoma)
- Malignant melanoma
- Breast cancer
- Colon & Rectal cancer
- Stomach cancer (Gastric carcinoma)
- Esophageal cancer
- Liver cancer (Hepatocellular carcinoma)
- Lymphoma
What Tests Do You Do for Adrenal Incidentalomas?
When clinicians face an adrenal incidentaloma, there are mainly three questions that need to be answered:- Is the mass truly arising from the adrenal? This is usually easy to tell based on the CT or MRI scan. However, there are some rare retroperitoneal lesions that may be adjacent but not arising from the adrenal gland, per se.
- Is the adrenal incidentaloma a cancer (malignant), and if so, is it a primary adrenal cancer (the cancer started in the adrenal gland) or is it a metastatic cancer that came from another organ?
- Is the incidentaloma functional (overproducing hormones)? Patients with an adrenal incidentaloma should undergo a thorough clinical evaluation including measuring the blood levels of all the adrenal hormones. The history and physical exam should be aimed at excluding a functional tumor or an underlying malignant disease.
Bottom Line: Here are the Percentages of What the Adrenal Incidentaloma Really Is:
-- Nonfunctional adenoma 80%
-- Subclinical and Overt Cushing's syndrome 5%
-- Conn's syndrome 4%
-- Adrenocortical carcinoma 2%
2) Adrenal medullary tumors
-- Pheochromocytoma 4%
3) Metastasis from another distant cancer 5%
4) Others causes <5%